A Conversation About the Post-Pandemic Church

Chris Lim @chrislim, hosts a conversation about Heidi Campbell’s new book “What Should Post-Pandemic Religion Look Like?” Chris is joined by Dr. Michael Paulus @paulusm, a professor at Seattle Pacific University, Pastor David Sim @David_Sim, of Renew Church Lynnwood, and Daniel Herron, Founder of The Robloxian Christians Online Church.

Things to think about:

  • In which ways do you think the post-pandemic church should shift?
  • How can the church still focus on our mission while being creative in how we incorporate technology?
  • How much of the church must be ‘embodied’? What does a ‘faith relationship’ actually mean?
  • How can a religious organization help facilitate the online into offline practices? And vice versa? Is this important?
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