hi folks! I’m an old friend and housemate of Chris, as well as a long-time supporter and partner in his ministry and business endeavors – I work at LSU as an assistant professor of media history/law, and like to test out some of his tech-pedagogy in the wild, so to speak. God bless you all and happy Christmas.
Hey y’all! My name is Taylor Doe and I’m from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Earlier this year, my brother and I launched our pastoral care software called Notebird. We are helping churches genuinely care for their people. Notebird helps church leaders and care teams store conversation notes, assign follow-ups and track big life moments in the lives of their congregants. // www.notebird.app
Looking forward to connecting!
Eric! So happy to have you here. Can’t wait to check out ScriptureLabs, this sounds like a phenomenal resource. In fact, if you wanted to post a blurb in a new thread about what you do and a couple links, please feel free! Either way, looking forward to hearing your ideas!
Welcome WT! I definitely want to hear more about your test runs of these ideas haha.
Looking forward to getting to know you a bit, and hoping you have a lovely holiday as well Stay safe!
Welcome Taylor! Yes, I’ve been interested in looking more into Notebird. I think getting a solid handle on how to care for congregations intentionally is key for retention and resulting growth. I’d be curious to hear more as you implement and develop new strategies!
Hello world, my name is DJ Chuang, and I love Jesus, churches, the people of God, and social technologies.
I love to network offline (IRL) and online with Christian tech people and helping churches think more digitally, through my blogging and podcasting. (I had launched the SocialMedia.Church podcast back in 2012, still going with Nils Smith hosting).
I’ve attended several Code for the Kingdom hackathons. Also curate a website at hackathon.bible to spotlight events and resources.
I currently work with the .BIBLE Registry that provides .BIBLE domain names on the internet. Happy to be here to learn and co-create the future of the church.
Hi everyone! My name is Ashish Joy. I I live in the Seattle area with my wife and three kids.
I serve on the pastoral team at Union Church Seattle and work as a product marketing manager at Pushpay.
I also cohost a brand new podcast where we explore concepts around the future of church in North America.
I’m very excited to learn from all of you and stay connected!
Welcome to the TheoTech forum @djchuang and @ashish. I’m glad that you both are here. Looking forward to future conversations with you both!
Hey everyone-
My name is Billy, and I am a Marketer by trade- but have a couple of small businesses/startups under my belt. I have a background in non-profit, retail and Makerspace marketing/operations. I came to faith through my family as a kid, but really developed my love of God through missions work and service in the church.
Currently, I am working with TheoTech doing brand management, strategy and marketing. I met Chris thorough another group called CreatedtoCreate. My wife Emma edits the TheoTech podcast. Together, we are originally from Tacoma, WA, but we are now on an adventure in Ireland getting our post-graduate degrees, so we are a couple of hours ahead of you all.
Glad to be part of this group!
Hey there, I’m Gabriel, a friend of @DanielH253 who invited me here. I’ve worked together with him as well as others over the last 5 years in various online ministries. I’m currently attending a university working toward my political science degree, with a focus on advocacy, relief, and development. I’m also getting a minor in theology, and I am particularly interested in human rights issues.
I look forward to discussing here with any and all of you.
Hi all! I’d like to introduce myself, my name is Jason Chan and I’m a follower of Jesus. I worship at Seattle Chinese Alliance Church located in the Beacon Hill area of Seattle. I also serve as a Board Member there.
I was an engineer at Microsoft for five years before starting a video integration company called TV2 Consulting in 2007. TV2 provide an video streaming platform for telcos to deliver video to their customers. The platform supports various clients devices like iOS, Android, Roku etc.
I’m interested learning more about how people integrate their faith in their work, especially those with tech skills.
Hello! My I heard about this forum via the Code for the Kingdom community and am actively working to develop a mobile app that will crowd source outreach and other service opportunities for the church called coffee with a christian
Welcome @Jason_Chan and @BGoo! I am so glad that both of you could join us. Feel free to explore the resources and discussion topics in the forums.
You are also welcome to contribute thoughts, ideas, reflections, etc. of the upcoming #c4tk event in the Hackathons sub-category.
Again, welcome.
I didn’t see your response earlier, Susan, but thank you!
Hello everyone!
My name is Jonathan Tsai, a San Francisco Bay Area resident native. I studied computer science at UC Berkeley and have been working in the software industry for almost 2 decades.
Thanks @chrislim for directing me to this forum from the live Code for the Kingdom Hackathon event this weekend.
I’ve attended past Code for the Kingdom events and kinda just hacked on projects that didn’t go anywhere (yet), so I’m looking to talk to users, pastors, and church leaders to get product idea validation before I build.
In recent years, I’ve started my own Christian Software company, AweAndReverence [dot] com, despite having no revenue or no customers, to begin building software for the global Church.
Some of my past or currently incubating projects include:
- Maskil.church - The first ever digital hymnal + worship studying connecting Scriptures to songs of worship in every language on earth
- IMDBible [dot] aweandreverence [dot] com - Build relationship graph between people and places and things in the BIble using NLP
- TreasuredWord [dot] aweandreverence [dot] com - Playlists for the Bible
• NeighborNear [dot] me - Find and share needs among your local communities
Hi, I’m Matt Carpenter. I am not employed in the tech space currently (I’m actually a political consultant for a Christian think tank based in Washington DC), but in recent months have become fascinated with all things tech. I’m learning JavaScript, reading about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, and–because of tech’s prominence economically, culturally, and politically–am interested in making connections with believers in this space. I think if the future is filled with machines, and the only ones programming those machines do not know or respect the fact that humanity bears the image of the Lord, then the future will look very bleak for the church.
Hello, I am David (Software Engineer). Currently at Microsoft and have worked in the past at Action International Ministries and startup companies among others.
I believe technology has great potential to help reach many people for the Lord.
I’m currently in the Seattle area, have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area in California 2017-2020, and have attended a past Code for the Kingdom in the past. Happy to connect people together in Christ!
Hey, everyone!
Glad that I found this space. I’m Ben, currently a Parish Administrator at an international Anglican church for the English-speaking Protestant community in Thailand.
I spent 10 years in the U.S. for my education (in English-lit), but through my education in the U.S. I found and fell in love with the Anglican church. I then returned to Thailand with my wife and son.
I’m currently taking courses on web & software dev, have built several projects, and am planning to immigrate to the U.S., though I want to use the skills I’m learning for the benefit of the Church. I’m still pondering how tech and Christianity fit together, but am happy to be here!
Hi everyone!
My name is Rose Wittenmyer, I’m founder and owner of By the Book - a volunteer powered company developing software enabling believers to memorize entire books of God’s word. We are still in the beginning phases, and are having so much fun seeing God work powerfully through His word. (We have had kids as young as two-years-old memorize the entire book of James and have it in long term memory:-) I am looking forward to getting engaged with other believers in the tech industry! If you want to see some really adorable kids recite some powerful truth feel free to check out our site: bythebookthebible.com