Faith & Work programs?

Does anyone have a Faith & Work program/curriculum/class/ministry/etc at their church? Can you help me understand what it looks like for your church?
I’m specifically looking for how we equip people in the church who spend 40hrs of their week in a place of employment. Could be large corporations, could be small businesses.

Great question Andrew! @aerisman has a curriculum through the Theology of Work project and I know Kiros is creating small groups to go through that amidst the pandemic.

@ajma I just saw that Seattle Pacific University released their Faith & Co curriculum too:

From the description:

It incorporates the Faith & Co. Season 2 films and explores how faith shapes the way organizations engage with and manage employees. Topics covered include:

Employing people created in the image of God
Hiring, firing, and compensation
Job design and employee development
Leadership and organizational culture

Establishing a curriculum like that in a church is a fantastic idea. There is this ongoing kind of language in churches where some people “work in ministry” and others “don’t.” Clearly, though all of our work is ministry regardless of where it takes place.

My church does classes year round and offered one this past fall called “Christians In the Workplace”. I didn’t personally attend that class, but have heard good things.

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Interesting, thanks for the link! Do you know if your church writes the curriculum themselves? Or gets it from somewhere else? Just curious.

I’ve been thinking about this and I wonder how much resources would need to vary from community to community to really maximize their effectiveness. Is an ideal program tailored to a specific church? That seems like a ton of work. Or maybe there is a happy medium with variations on the curriculum for a given church size or location…?

I’m not sure about the curriculum and how it was developed, but I could put you in touch with the instructors of the class if you’d be interested. I know that for some of the classes we do, we partner with the CCEF

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Excellent, thanks, I’ll check out the CCEF first and see where that takes me!

I’m signing up for this: Faith & Work Summer Ministry Intensive — Global Faith & Work Initiative (

Folks in my church seem interested enough to send a couple of us to this.


Nice. I definitely look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.