Innovative Digital Discipleship Approach

Happy Sunday everyone! Wanted to share a cool resource of a church who is trying to maximize digital discipleship efforts in this moment. My friend Pastor Darren Rouanzoin and Garden Church in Long Beach, CA have started a ministry called Digital Church. You can check it out here and the ways they are approaching it:


I listened to the conversation with Mike Erre and it was great to hear the emphasis on weakness, lament, humility, and authenticity. The idea that this is a season of repentance for the Church resonates strongly with me.

Walter Brueggemann “Lament names what’s wrong in a covenantal context.” Lament is different than complaining. You presuppose God’s character and bring up what’s wrong without polish and brutal honesty.

I have a lot of friends grieving various things in this season of covid, but I have to think hard to find a community time/space for mourning…it’s hard to be vulnerable with strangers on a Zoom call, although I have seen vulnerability in existing personal relationships.

Have you experienced examples of digital community lament in this season?