Previously @chrislim and I were speculating the possibilities of the spatial Bible, and how we could incorporate social elements in this digital space, sprinkling “Instagram and Facebook”-like elements into such a product. In fact, that’s what the Bible App has been doing, and surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) it might not be the best idea - depending on how we each interact with the Bible.
Despite social elements being on the app interface for some time already, our older demographic is quick to dismiss it and enter the app to do what we expect from the Bible, to read the Word immediately. Yet, for the coming generation who grew up with the digital bible as their first option, it is vastly different - they are the savvy ones in knowledge of every possible interaction and activity on the app may not be so much of a good thing. The Bible as a social space becomes a source of stress instead of comfort - for reasons beyond the Bible.
For the author, “In talking with my daughter, I realized that all the anxious thoughts, weird postings, and strange obsessions that accompany social media platforms like Instagram had arrived on the Bible app itself. And while she enjoyed the connection she made to a few friends, the distraction of so many competing voices and the drive toward self-expression proved overwhelming. So, for her, it’s back to the printed Bible exclusively for now.”
What are your thoughts towards social elements on the digital Bible? How we could balance physical and digital interactions, and ensure healthy conversation instead of unhealthy comparison?